Saturday, July 24, 2010

Orlando Bloom

Alright, so I am refraining from posting delicious football (not american football) players. Instead, we are having a flash back to good ol' 2001/2002 era. This is long overdue, but I present to you...Orlando Bloom! Apparently he just got married recently, so we'll pretend it is in celebration for that. (-snort- If it really were 2001/2002, I would be in an outrage!) I lost track of what HAAAY number I am on, so I'll just go with 11 now, and present it with confidence! Who could actually care, though, with this sort of eye candy, eh? :D


  1. Okay, so I think that even though it isn't 2001/2002, I really did feel my heart sink to find out that he just recently got married. I love the picture, though. Three for one posts are a good idea, and so is a designated day, so you could do several HAAAY posts on one day. Did you check out my music post for Eurovision (which was long overdue)? I still think Alexander Rybak is worthy of a HAAAY. I might just do that on my blog. You ought to check out the 2010 winner, even though she's not quite as good, mainly because she doesn't play the violin.

  2. haha, yes, I was kind of like "can't he stay single...forever? is that so much to ask for?!"
    ah! I need to bookmark your new blog. I have your old one marked, but it doesn't come up on my Blogs I'm Watching feature on my dashboard thingy. I will need to check into that, for sure.
